July 6, 2008

The Road Leads Not

The road leads not

Where I thought it would.

All my dreams lie broken,

Dreams I thought were good.

Where are you leading?

I can't see through the mist.

Confused and praying,

What point have we missed?

Won't you lead our hearts together,

Though I know not where?

Give us a single vision,

Oneness rare.

My heart breaks to give up

Visions past, hopes sweet.

I don't understand why,

But you'll direct these feet.

And wherever we are

Only let us stay with You.

I don't want to go alone,

But learn and grow through...

Whatever you may bring.

I fall on my face.

Father, You are holy.

Let me rest in your embrace.

© 2007, BL


Ben Lueders said...

Wow, this is awesome. Bethany...do you mind if I put this to music? This sums up a lot of the same feelings that Charlotte and I have been talking about lately. Wow...

6wayintersection said...

Sure, go ahead.

The Farmer Files said...

sigh....been there...always hope these spans of time are brief for us.